

One week jobless from Whole Foods and I'm really not sure what I'll be doing. There is this local farm that is part of a volunteer program - food and shelter in exchange for work. It's a not paying but it'll give me a needed break from the wear and tear of city life. I miss the sun on my back and dirt in my toes and fingers. I miss the feeling of accomplishment after a long day of working outside. The green smells of veggies growing and ripening. It's just not the time right now. Rent and bills. I just got a cell and inter net so that is another $90 a month to our bills. which isn't really that bad. It just means I'll have to delay going out to farm another year or two (ick). Not really something I like... I wonder how many more people in this city are in this position and of those people only a few will get nicer jobs - being able to work inside for 8+ an hour.

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