
seriously BEST movie this year. seriously handsdown.

The glowing reviews I've seen everywhere are 100% accurate. Being a diehard trekkie and a devote kirk & spock (mostly spock <3) fan I thought Pine & Quinto nailed it! The plot was fantastic and I didn't think there was a slow spot. It started with a bang and ended with things wrapped up perfectly! The backgrounds on both Kirk and Spock were excellent with a minor critique on them spending more time on kirk. (hey i can't help it spock is more fasinating). i feared out of place goofiness from Pegg but he did great and kept it in check. the supporting cast was excellent and made it their own :D Great effects, awesome music, witty (not goofy tastefully clever) banter, tons of stuff there for trekkies. loved it and will be seeing it again! JJ Abrams fully delivered an exceptional movie! GO SEE IT NOW!!!!!!!! :P :D

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