here's the email i got from the parental unit. i'm horrible about piecing parents together. mostly because parents didn't make sense to me when i was little. so i figure that they are suppose to be confusing. It's a straightforward letter so i can't complain about him being puzzling. However....
> > We miss you.
> Not sure what your life plan is in regards to
> us/your family. Under normal circumstances,
> teenagers/young adults usually distance themselves
> while working on their lives and reaching full
> independance. Usually a strong bond sustains the
> relationship during any temporary disruptions (ie
> you & Travis).
> During this time of achieving independance, the
> parent child relationship also changes quite a bit
> from the parents point of view. When raising
> children, parents "needs" are often neglected or set
> aside on purpose to achieve family goals. You will
> probably find this hard to believe, but, much of our
> strictness while raising you was done for your
> benefit, not some internal, selfish need on our
> part. Of course, we also made many errors in
judgement, too. It has always been very obvious to
> us that you have not agreed with the way we raised
> you. Now you have the independance and power to
> "escape" if you want.
> Similarly, we as parents and independant adults,
> have the right to expect our needs to be met in
> adult relationships. Mom has a very obvious need
> for honesty, authenticity, responsibility, ethics...
> in her life relationships. Most people do. Years
> of parenting (as well as working in the adoption
> field) has left her little tolerance, especially in
> her closest relationships.
> Many, many times in foster/adoptive situations, the
> children choose to become estranged from adoptive
> parents and loose their connection. Parents
> expectations are a burden that is happily tossed
> aside. Perhaps there never was a strong connection
> and it's just "normal" for all parties to go their
> seperate ways. I suppose our circumstances have
> never been normal.
> I do know that any relationship that is not nurtured
> will deteriorate.
> Just something for you to think about if you want to
> - please don't feel the need to reply - no defense
> of your actions or personal philosophy is needed,
> it's none of my business anymore.
> > Dad
> > ps Last night on Star Trek Next Generation Worf
> said something like "there is nothing of value to
> be gained if no sacrifice is required".

i mean it seems like whenever i'm halfway halfway happy and settled then some other pile of shit gets dumped on me. i wish i wasn't being a total asshole and dumping the stress i have on the man i love so dear. He deals with so much with the smallest little effort. i should study him. see how he deals with stuff.